Affiliation and sponsorship

Recommend us and increase revenue
thanks to Swello's affiliate program

The principle is very simple:

  • Go to the affiliate page present in your account to get your affiliate link;
  • Share this link to your community, during a training, in an article, on your site, in your newsletter... ;
  • When a visitor subscribes within 14 days of clicking on your link, the sale is attributed to you. (Namely, it will be validated 30 days after the purchase, if no refund is requested) ;
  • Check out the pending commission balances available and paid from your account, updated with a 72h delay.

What are the commissions? How to proceed with the payment

For every Medium subscription you sign up for, you get 8€ HT. For a Large subscription, 28€ HT.

After reaching a minimum of 50€ HT, you will be able to request a payout. You can choose to recover your commissions by bank transfer or by donating it to an association. In the latter case, we add 10%. Namely, you can choose to split the amount between the transfer & the donation. We are committed to making the payment within 30 days.

Some important rules:

  • You must be a company registered in one of the European Union countries, Switzerland, the United States or Canada (Not on this list? Contact us to see if it is possible to add you to our affiliate program) ;
  • It is prohibited to place your link on a promo code site. In case of non-compliance with this rule, we will no longer attribute you and we will not pay you the revenues related to the generated sales;
  • We reserve the right to close the affiliate program to certain users. For example, if you try to deceive your visitors or associate our product with values that are not ours;
  • We reserve the right to close the affiliate program or review commissions without notice;
  • Self-affiliation is prohibited: you may not use your own link to sign up and subscribe;
  • If an order appears fraudulent to us, we reserve the right to deny the benefit normally awarded.

Would you like to know more?

If you haven't found the information you're looking for, feel free to contact our team via the contact form or the chat at the bottom right of this page.😉

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